Postdoc opportunities
We are always looking for strong candidates that wish to apply for fellowships such as Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions European and global fellowships as well as national fellowships. RCSI offers outstanding institutional support in the application process and the Heise group has an excellent record of success in supporting these applications. Potential applicants should contact Prof. Heise by email (andreasheise@rcsi.com) to discuss such opportunities.
We are currently seeking a candidate for an ADMIRE Marie Curie Cofund Fellowship under the AMBER Materials Research Centre. Interested candidates should have or receive a PhD before March 2021 in polymer chemistry. A specific project can be proposed by the applicant within the AMBER and the Heise group remit. An excellent CV and track record is required for this competitive call. Interested candidates should contact Prof Heise at RCSI by email using ADMIRE Fellowship in the subject line.

PhD Opportunities
Applications are welcomed from suitable candidates who wish to study for a Ph.D. within the group. Potential applicants should contact Prof Heise by email (andreasheise@rcsi.com) to discuss opportunities.
Applications are invited for a PhD studentship for the following project:
'Polypeptide hybrid materials for 3D printing applications in tissue engineering'
The position will be based within the Polymer Chemistry Group of Prof. Heise at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) within the AMBER Advanced Materials and Bioengineering Research Centre (www.ambercentre.ie).
The aim of the project is the development of a new class of biomaterials based on synthetic polypeptides. We have previously for the first time developed 3D printable polypetides and demonstrated their excellent biocompatibility. In order to further advance these materials and include desirable biomaterial properties such as antimicrobial and cell binding properties, hybrid system will be explored by incorporation of functional polymers into the polypeptides. This project has a strong synthetic polymer chemistry approach but will also use methodologies of biomaterial science as well as 3D printing and tissue engineering (through collaborations). Strong expertise in organic chemistry and/or polymer chemistry will be required for this project as well as the ability to work in interdisciplinary groups.
The researcher will work closely with other members of a multidisciplinary project team including PIs, postdoctoral and postgraduate researchers within the Polymer Chemistry & AMBER research cluster. The position offers ample career development opportunities through scientific and complementary training as well as interaction with industry partners.
The ideal applicants will have an upper second class or first class honours bachelor’s degree in Organic Chemistry or Polymer Chemistry. Excellent English written and oral communication skills are essential.
Experience in the field of polymeric biomaterials would be advantageous but is not essential. Specific skills that would enhance a candidate’s application include 3D printing and mechanical testing of materials.
How to apply:
​To apply, please access the following link and complete the application form in full: